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When Should I Switch Jobs?

When Should I Switch Jobs?
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“When Should I Switch Jobs?


When Should I Switch Jobs?

Have you ever asked yourself the question, “when should I switch jobs?”


Maybe you are asking yourself this question now, flipping through articles, searching for some assurance. Everyone has asked the question, “when should I switch jobs?” And they will continue to ask this question, it is a normal process of employment.


People leave their jobs for lots of reasons; pay, work culture, stagnant growth, not enough challenge, lack of learning, and much more. No matter the reason, we are often left to wonder when to switch jobs.


Recruiters are often asked this question by friends and long-standing candidates/clients. Of course, not one answer is definitive, and, like most good answers. It requires a deeper dive into the reasons for leaving your current job. To help you better understand if and when to switch jobs here are a few questions we like to challenge everyone to ask themselves:


Do the daily work tasks match my abilities?

How much effort do the current tasks require, do these tasks challenge me?

Are the current responsibilities in tune with my goals, wants, and needs?


If you responded positively (fairing towards your current job) then, ask yourself the questions below to better understand how you can improve your current job. If the answers to the questions above lead to a negative response about your current role/responsibilities, then you should also consider what can improve. Ask yourself:


What do I want?

Is what I want within my ability to achieve?

What can I do to get what I want?

Do I want to do what is needed to get what I want?


Asking these questions will help you determine whether or not your current place of employment has the necessary resources to help you achieve your professional goals. Or if you need to look elsewhere to ensure growth.




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