Finding the perfect tech job – interview your interviewer

Finding the perfect tech job – interview your interviewer
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Finding the perfect tech job – interview your interviewer

Finding the perfect tech job – interview your interviewer


Fabric Staffing’s recruiters have worked with some of the biggest names in tech today; successfully placing hundreds of people into diverse industries ranging from SaaS, IIOT, aerospace, defense, cybersecurity, social media, and much more.

Our tech recruiters have a considerable amount of empirical knowledge on interview and employment processes- all of which we want to share, to help better you, your career, and to find the perfect tech job.

Most people leave their job due to one or many things, usually related to culture (co-workers & professional relationships included), work processes, and career progression.

The perfect tech job is not one that you want to quit. You can avoid the whole “quitting” route altogether by paying close attention during your interview and hiring process; by interviewing the hiring manager interviewing you.

By asking your interviewer these 3 questions, you will be able to gauge if the job is “perfect” for you or not.


Questions to ask your interviewer



  1. How does the company preserve its culture?

This question is the perfect opener for the hiring manager to discuss how leadership enables culture. They may talk about work trips, lunch perks, professional development resources, etc. Don’t be afraid to ask if culture is a contributing factor toward employee retention and look for specific examples.

If you love what you do and who you do it for, is it really work? Happy employees lead to a positive work environment, and a positive work environment leads to a successful business.


Work Processes

  1. Why are you hiring for this role/what does this role accomplish?

This is a very important question; it can tell you if this is a new position or a replacement role for someone who left.

If it is a new role, what does this role hope to accomplish, and is there clear direction and path to progression? How many people are you hiring for this role? – get a clear understanding of why the company is growing.

If this is a replacement role, was, or are there any technological/organizational issues that could hinder performance? Why did the person leave? Was there a culture conflict or did they just move on? – you don’t want to end up quitting for the same reasons they did.

These questions will help you understand the company’s current issues, future, and what part you will play.


Career Progression

  1. How will my performance be evaluated?

Career progression is one of the top reasons why people move on. Examples could be someone that has done a lot of work for a company that has gone unrecognized or without reward. Or someone does not have a clear path on job objectives and role progression.

Leadership plays a huge part in finding the perfect tech job. Understanding how leadership evaluates and rewards performance will indicate whether the company is a “people first” organization. Look for companies that have direct lines of communication between employees and managers, where leaders are hands-on and evaluate their own reports. Stay wary of organizations that leave employee engagement to their HR departments; chances are employee satisfaction rates are low.

Understanding how employee performance is evaluated will indicate how hands-on leadership actually is.

Great companies and great leaders always invest in their employees and their culture.


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