Unraveling Why Do Recruiters Call to Reject You

Why Recruiters Call Just to Reject You
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Unraveling Why Do Recruiters Call to Reject You

Why Recruiters Call Just to Reject You

Exploring the Duality of Rejection Calls, Insights from Recruiters

Anticipation builds as you receive an unexpected call from a recruiter or hiring manager; signaling the outcome of your recent job interview. Hope swells within you, envisioning the beginning of a new chapter in your career. But as the conversation unfolds, disappointment crashes over you like a wave – you didn’t secure the position. It’s a scenario familiar to many job seekers, prompting a range of emotions from frustration to resignation.

Yet, amidst the disappointment, lies an opportunity – a chance to gain valuable insights and feedback.

In the labyrinth of job hunting, few experiences rival the emotional tumult sparked by a call from a recruiter delivering unwelcome news. Perspectives on this topic vary widely, with some people left seething at what is perceived as an unnecessary inconvenience; while others view it as a potential learning opportunity.


But, first, what are the underlying motivations driving recruiters to make that call?

  • Respectful Acknowledgment of Candidate Investment: Astute recruiters recognize the significant investment candidates make throughout the application process, from crafting resumes to attending interviews. Opting to deliver rejection via a call, honors this commitment and demonstrates a genuine respect for their time and effort.
  • Enhanced Transparency and Clarity: Opting for a rejection call fosters direct and transparent communication, a hallmark of good recruitment practice. By providing clear feedback and reasons for the rejection, recruiters empower candidates to identify areas for improvement and navigate their job search more effectively.
  • Cultivating a Favorable Company Image: Handling rejections with professionalism contributes to nurturing a positive reputation for both the recruiting agency and the hiring company. Despite not being the right fit for the current role, ensuring candidates depart with a positive impression of the hiring process and the company can foster future reapplications and positive word-of-mouth referrals.
  • Nurturing Future Opportunities: Forward-thinking recruiters understand the importance of maintaining relationships with candidates, even those not selected for a specific role. Through rejection calls coupled with constructive feedback, recruiters keep avenues open for potential future opportunities better suited to the candidate’s profile and expertise.
  • Exemplifying Professionalism and Empathy: Conducting rejection calls showcases professionalism and empathy, underscoring the recruiter’s recognition of candidates as individuals with emotions and aspirations. This personalized approach allows for real-time addressing of queries or concerns, helping alleviate some of the sting associated with rejection while fostering a sense of respect and understanding.


No matter the reasoning or motivations behind delivering a rejection call, the fact of the matter remains the same; the method of delivering rejection news remains a topic of debate.

However, for Fabric Staffing’s recruiter Genevieve Garcia, the choice is clear: a personal call holds more value than a text or email. Despite the prevailing trend towards digital communication, GV emphasizes the importance of accessibility and ease of communication in the recruitment process.

She believes that opting for a call, particularly when a candidate is well into the process, serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it allows candidates to seek clarification and understand the rejection with greater clarity, mitigating the sting of disappointment. Secondly, Garcia highlights the broader implications for both the recruiting agency and the hiring company.

By ending interactions with respect and transparency, even in the face of rejection, recruiters contribute to maintaining a positive reputation in the professional sphere. This commitment to fostering goodwill and open communication underscores the significance of personal interaction in an increasingly digital world.

On a similar note, Siraina Dickens-Cole acknowledges the discomfort associated with delivering rejection calls but underscores their necessity in combating the prevalent issue of ghosting.

Recognizing the negative impact of leaving candidates in limbo, Siraina advocates for clear and direct communication, ensuring candidates know where they stand in the recruitment process. Furthermore, she emphasizes the value of sharing detailed feedback from hiring managers, offering candidates insights to enhance their future prospects, even if they aren’t the right fit for the current role.

This dedication to supporting candidates beyond the immediate recruitment process reflects a commitment to professionalism and empathy, essential qualities in the field of recruitment.


What are your thoughts on rejection calls?

Why Recruiters Call Just to Reject You

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