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3 Tips on How to Best Prep for a Job Interview

3 Tips on How to Best Prep for a Job Interview

3 Tips on How to Best Prep for a Job Interview

Prepping for a job interview can be unnerving.

I remember my last job interview; my brain went into its “waiting” mode 2 hours before the call. So, for two hours before my interview, my brain decided it wasn’t going to do anything but wait and worry. I was a mess, sweaty hands, shaky voice, and I had this huge overwhelming feeling that I was not prepared.

I never wanted to feel this way again. So, I crawled across the internet, talked with friends, and dove deep into the recruiting industry to find the answers.

Here are my 3 tips on how to best prep for a job interview, to really nail that job you want!

Research the company and job you are applying for

This should be a no-brainer, but it is something that I have overlooked in the past.

Understanding what a company does, its mission, recent news, and its leadership will not only help you to better understand the company’s environment or work culture. But it also shows that you are a capable candidate; you can research and apply your research effectively to a situation.

Most interviewers will ask questions about the company and/or position, looking for key responses on how individuals perceive the opportunity and how and they would best operate procedures. Some might ask about their industry competitors and what advantages or disadvantages differ.

By researching the company and job you are applying for, you can better understand the wants and needs of the company. Thus, presenting yourself as the perfect solution.

Practice your elevator pitch

Your elevator pitch is a short professional monolog about yourself presented to woo your audience.

Most interviewers decide on a candidate’s ability within the first 5 minutes of an interview, and most are only looking for reasons to screen you out of the process. Your elevator pitch is make-it or break-it for interviews essentially.

The best pitches are positive, clear, and well-practiced. They control the outcome of an interview and help you take responsibility for the interview. The best pitches anticipate what interviewers could be concerned about on a resume and address it.

Study your resume, practice answers to basic recruiter questions, and develop a pitch that will stand out.

Get in the zone

My final and most important tip on how to best prep for a job interview is to get in the zone.

No one likes to interview or be interviewed when another person is not present. It is understandable that nerves can get in the way sometimes, but the best way to combat those nerves is to get into the zone.

Getting in the zone is different for everyone and any time. Some like to review and practice, and others prefer to meditate. Or, if you are like me, you turn on “Party in the U.S.A.” and rock out until you are red in the face and sweaty.

It doesn’t matter what you do, but the best results come when you feel comfortable and in the zone. If you give yourself the time to allow yourself to be comfortable, you might even start to enjoy your interview experiences.


Job interviews are stressful and can sometimes make you feel a little less than your normal amazing self.

But if you take the time to prepare for your job interviews by researching the job/company, practicing your pitch, and getting in the zone. You will feel much more confident and will have an overall better job interview experience.

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